Target groups & impact

The direct beneficiaries of the VET_GPS are presented below and will benefit from the project as follows:

VET providers and managers

Access to a platform with resources and materials enabling them of improving the quality, attractiveness and modernization of VET offer at local, national and European levels.

VET trainees

Access to a self-assessment tool, guidance and set of materials to actively promote their acquisition and development of soft skills, reinforcing their engagement and responsiveness in job search.

VET trainers and counsellors

Provide guidelines, tools, exercises and training to be available in a platform, endowing them of knowledge, competences and tools for the assessment and promotion of trainees’ Soft Skills.


Involve companies in the identification of key-soft skills, reinforcing the capacity of VET providers and professionals on the smooth transition of young trainees to the labour market, reducing the mismatch between the young trainees’ skills and skills needs of companies.

self-assessment tool for VET schools

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self-assessment tool

Online self-assessment tool for all
How skilled are you? Check your skills ...
